ITS develops and supports various online systems and works in collaboration with Communication and Marketing to maintain and the Intranet.

Categories (3)

Camosun Website is the college's website and is maintained jointly between ITS and Communication and Marketing.

Online Forms System

The Online Forms System allows the college to securely collect information from students, faculty, and staff for a wide range of services, e.g., financial aid, event registration, online services, and more.

The Online Forms System can be found at:

Camosun Intranet

The Camosun Intranet is an internal website available to Faculty and Staff listing resources and services.

Services (2)

Web Development - General Inquiries

Use this service to reach out to the Web Technologists to inquire about our services and any systems that we have developed and or maintain.

Wordpress - Compsci faculty for Student sites

Compsci faculty only can request accounts or Wordpress sites for active students in Compsci website related course.