Microsoft Teams Usage Guidelines


Microsoft Teams, which is supported by ITS, can be used to facilitate remote meetings and live events between faculty and staff. Additionally, this tool can be used to facilitate meetings with students and external contacts who may be invited to the meeting.

Microsoft Teams Usage

The use of Microsoft Teams (and Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) must align with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and Camosun's policies on Acceptable Technology Use, Standards of Conduct, and Protection of Privacy Policy.

The following information should not be shared, in written form within Microsoft Teams unless there is a justifiable operational requirement that cannot be completed by using the Camosun email system:

  • Credit card numbers
  • Personal information of students or employees (including the combination of C-numbers and their names)

* Regarding personal information, i.e., recorded information about an identifiable individual other than contact information, a Ministerial Order (No. M085) has been issued to allow for disclosure outside of Canada provided that it is intended to support operational needs of a public body, aligns with public health recommendations and requirements to minimize transmission of COVID-19, and that the disclosure is limited to the minimum amount reasonable for the performance of one’s duties.

By using the following links to access Microsoft Teams you are agreeing to the terms and conditions above:



Article ID: 1607
Fri 7/30/21 2:01 PM
Mon 4/22/24 5:57 PM

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