- Designed for personal file storage and sharing
- Acts as your individual workspace
- Replaces local storage like My Documents folder or desktop
- Files are private by default
- You control access and sharing permissions
- Easier to work on files privately before sharing
- Focused on simple file storage and syncing
- Limited to document storage.
- Intended for team and organizational file storage
- Functions as a collaborative workspace
- Serves as a centralized document management system for businesses
- Files are shared with the team by default
- Access is controlled at the organizational level
- Better suited for immediate collaboration on documents
- Offers more advanced features like:
- Creating pages and websites
- Working with data lists
- More customization options
- Allows creation of multiple document libraries.
OneDrive use cases
- Personal work files
- Drafts or works-in-progress
- Temporary file storage
SharePoint use cases
- Team projects and shared documents
- Company-wide resources and information
- Collaborative workflows and processes
In essence, OneDrive is best for individual file management, while SharePoint is optimized for team collaboration and organizational document management.