Infosilem CAMPUS

Please note: If you continue to experience issues with Infosilem CAMPUS and are unable to resolve it yourself using the following article, please review the Service page and email the Room Bookings team for support.


Infosilem CAMPUS is the new system (effective April 1, 2023) for finding room usage and availability information for Classrooms, Atriums, Auditoriums, Computer labs, and all other spaces.

Access the system

Access the system from the Space & Event Booking Site.  go to CAMPUS room portal (see image)


Logging on:

Single Sign On has been enabled so once you are logged onto your computer, you will be automatically logged into Infosilem CAMPUS. If you are working off site, you will need to be connected to VPN in order to access this service.  If you are on site and connected to Eduroam or wired in and are unable to access CAMPUS, please contact the Service Desk at 3064.


A few things to be aware of: 

  • Keep using the existing room booking request form found on the Space & Event Booking Site until we turn on more functionality in the new system. 
  • If you have any troubles, don’t struggle. Email . The team will be monitoring this email closely. 
  • For now, you will be able to search for rooms and spaces. In the coming months, you will request rooms and spaces in the new system. 


Looking for rooms or spaces:


Select Rooms to view room usage and availability 

Use filters and calendar view to find room and space booking information 


Booking a room or space


Attempting to Create a Booking will not work yet (see image below). For now, we ask that you still fill out the Room Request Form. See the Space and Event Booking site.


Creating a Booking



Article ID: 5399
Tue 4/4/23 2:05 PM
Thu 4/6/23 3:36 PM