Office365 now called Microsoft365

FREE personal use licenses for Camosun Employees

Log in here:

You can install Office on personal devices for free. Those licenses will remain active as long as you’re an employee of Camosun College. This will replace what you've known as the Home Use Program.

You now have access to OneDrive for Business, which is online storage to store your files. This will offer you with an almost unlimited storage capacity. As we will be moving towards moving all files to the cloud, all files currently stored on your personal M: drives should be moved to the cloud at your earliest convenience. Please see our "how to" videos below to learn how. This will allow seamless access to your data in any location and on any internet connected device, without having to use a VPN.

You also have access to extra web apps offered by Microsoft.

This page will provide you with any specific instructions and documentation as it comes available.

Microsoft also has great training materials in order to familiarize yourself with Office 365 products found here


Microsoft also has great training materials in order to familiarize yourself with Office 365 products.
The training site can be found here: 
Microsoft 365 help & learning