D2L: Course Merge Request

A course merge is useful for when an instructor is teaching multiple offerings of the same course but does not want to have multiple different course shells. We combine them into one site for ease of teaching.

For example: the two courses 2021 Winter ENGL 100 X01 and 2021 Winter ENGL 100 X02 are merged into one site called 2021 Winter ENGL 100 X01 & X02.

Please note:

  • It is best to request this service several weeks before the semester starts, or as soon as the course shells are created in D2L.
  • A best practice when requesting course merges is to do so before you begin building in your course sites. For example, if you had content in X02, but we merge into X01, that content will be lost. To best prevent this, either have all the shells empty, or inform us which shell has content in it and we will merge the other offerings into that one.
  • 2022 Summer Update: You will now be able to view one section of merged courses at a time in the Classlist and Gradebook tools, and conditionally release items to a single section. This change means students will only see students in their own section in Messanger and Classlist, so we suggest the Chat tool for communication.

To request this service, just click "Request Service" and fill out the form!