Colleague, myCamosun & Web Report Services

This service area outlines services related to the management of Colleague. Colleague supports Student, Finance, and Human Resource business processes, as well as self-service functionality through myCamosun and Camlink for students and employees.

The services listed below are available to employees only.

To report a technical issue, e.g., Colleague appears to be offline, please use a service available within ITS' Service Catalog so that your request is correctly routed using the following link:

Services (7)

Colleague, myCamosun and Web Report - Access Request

This form is for Work Place Leaders to request, change, or remove access to Colleague, myCamosun, and related Web Reports.

myCamosun Student Access

This request from is to be used by the Registrar's Office to request that a student account have DRUS/AROR setup to allow for student based access.

Student Records Repository Access Request

Facilitate provisioning and de-provisioning of access to the Registrar's Office SRR sharepoint site

Colleague, myCamosun and Web report - Support Request

Use this service to get support or report issues with Colleague or myCamosun.

Colleague - Information and Data Requests

Use this form to request a change or enhancement to an existing Web Report, or request a new Web Report.

Colleague and myCamosun - Grade Change Request

Use this service to request a grade change that will be completed by Student Records.

Colleague Student Program Completion Requirement - Change Request

Use this form to request a student specific program substitution, override, or waiver. Student Records will complete the EXOV configuration.