My Recently Visited Services

Camosun employees can use the following service link to sign in to their Camosun issued Zoom account.

Use this service to provide feedback on and get support for the Camosun College website.

Can't find the service you need? Just click here and we'll help!

Request a shared drive or more space for your departmental or shared drive.

Request support for software used within your department and on your workstations.

Microsoft 365, formerly Office365, is available for use by students and staff on personal computers for home use.

Change, Reset, and Unlock your Camosun Domain Account to login to our online services, e.g., Microsoft 365, VPN, labs, and D2L.

Carts with laptops delivered to the classroom for the duration of the class.
Not used for single device requests.

This is for Instructors who wish to add other faculty to their courses for the purpose of sharing content or co-teaching.

Compsci faculty only can request accounts or Wordpress sites for active students in Compsci website related course.

Use this form to request a student specific program substitution, override, or waiver. Student Records will complete the EXOV configuration.

Use this service to report an issue in claiming a benefit code from

Camosun College restricts who can create TEAMs.
Request a Team for use within Microsoft Teams and associated SharePoint resources.

Report an issue with a printer related to access, toner, or other.

Can't seem to find your way to your classes? Let us know!

Request, change, or off board a Staff and Faculty domain account for a new or current employee, gain access to shared mailboxes and share drives. All Staff and Faculty receive a Camosun Email account, Microsoft Apps (Office365), Adobe Acrobat Pro (for editing PDFs)

A course merge is when we combine two of the same offerings into one course shell for ease of teaching and posting content.

Send in a service request to ITS to get support on the Camosun Intranet.

Can't find the service you need? Just click here and we'll help!

Whether it’s an event, announcement, or special moment, your content can help showcase the vibrant Camosun community.

Graphic Design Request Information

Some of our online workshops are recorded. If it has been indicated one has been recorded and you would like to see the recording use this service to request it.

Instructors can request a DEV site to build content in. These sites do not contain students.

Submit a request to display content on select digital screens.

Report any issues with an ITS-supported lab computer.